Web hosting is the most important feature of any website on the internet. Now-a-days, there are many web hosting service providers who provide this service free of cost. There are two types of web hosting services, using the managed dedicated web server and the unmanaged dedicated web servers. You need to know what these managed web servers and unmanaged dedicated web servers are, and then you can decide which one suits better for your business or other type of website.
The physical web server on which you store your web data without sharing the web server with any other website is known as Dedicated Web Servers. A dedicated web server works like a normal processor which has storage facility, processor, and memory. This is a kind of low cost web hosting service. Dedicated web servers are mainly used by individual who understands how the dedicated web server works, and why is it required. Nothing on the web server is shared with other websites in dedicated web servers. This can also be used by the companies that need large websites and a lot of internet bandwidth.
Normally, these types of web servers have variety of important functions compared to the usual shared web hosting servers. These types of web servers are usually faster as it takes very little loading-time when compared to other shared web servers. It is not a bad idea to have these web servers if you are planning a large website or are a large company.
Dedicated web servers are not built for web novices and even for the use by semi-experts who are still not completely aware of the dedicated web server’s required expertise. If you have built the website for personal use, then you need not have this type of dedicated web server. These types of dedicated web servers are normally used by large companies or by the very big websites that needs large disk space for storing important content, multimedia components, games, bulletin boards, etc. Some of the important projects like customizing operating system and installing programming services need the dedicated server web service.
The unmanaged dedicated web servers are not that costly when compared to the managed dedicated web server. Your web host service provider will install all the necessary tools. However, you will need to handle all the technical support and maintenance of the web server. There is no one to support you if in case you face any web server-related problems while handling the server. In this case, your web host owner will not help you in upgrading software or maintenance, or there could be additional costs for these type of additional services. Your web host will only help you if there is any hardware or database related problem. Also, you need to pay your web host when they help you in if the web server needs resetting.
In case of the managed dedicated web servers, the web host takes care of all the maintenance issues, installation issues, and the technical support of the web server. If there is some problem with the web server, you can just contact the web hosting company’s customer service or their help department and you will get instant help in all such cases from you web host service provider.
However, while choosing the managed dedicated web server, you need to keep some important things in mind. You need to check if the managed dedicated web server service that you are choosing is a professional organization. You also need to check whether they provide you the instant support and are able to give you the required solutions when you are in some related problem.
You need to check out the terms and conditions of the web server provider and see if they meet you requirements. You also need to check the web tools that they provide along with the web server memory, bandwidth allocation, disk space, and the price at which they provide all these things.
So, before choosing whether the managed dedicated web server or the unmanaged dedicated web server is important for your site, you need to see which one actually supports your website requirements. The managed dedicated web server is useful to you if you do not have the supporting web expert personnel, or if you are not skilled enough to do the required technical work on your website.
To be on the safe side, before finalizing the contract be very sure that you have understood the policies concerned. This will help you continue smoothly in your work with the managed dedicated server or the unmanaged dedicated server operations.
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