One of the most popular forms of web hosting available for hosting in a cloud hosting environment is VPS server hosting, and regardless of whether you choose a Linux VPS server or a Windows VPS server there should be a web hosting provider available who can offer you cloud VPS hosting. Cloud VPS hosting can offer you many advantages over standard VPS server hosting services due to the number of servers that are being used for a single cluster, and if you rely greatly on your website or VPS server then you may find that cloud VPS hosting is a worthy upgrade; not only can cloud VPS hosting offer you greater reliability, but you can also be guaranteed a higher level of security if you purchase your VPS server from the right web hosting provider. Cloud VPS servers are normally of a higher specification than standard VPS servers which can also benefit you since cloud VPS hosting can generally offer you more for your money, and these days you will find that it is better to purchase a VPS server which is going to be of a higher specification that what you actually require since it means that you won’t need to upgrade your VPS server hosting service for a long time to come. Cloud hosting environments are based on a large number of servers meaning that there is never a single node which is assigned to the handling of several VPS servers and all of the required services; generally storage is based on large SANs whilst the virtual resources of a VPS server are shared between multiple nodes which allows web hosting providers to offer high specification and reliable VPS servers for a relatively low cost whilst still maintaining rather large profit margins.
When choosing a cloud hosting package you need to make sure that you are purchasing from a web hosting provider who will be able to offer you the uptime guarantee that you’ve been promised; however, since it is only larger web hosting providers who are able to offer cloud hosting services at this moment in time due to the setup costs involved, you shouldn’t really face any problems in receiving the high uptime guarantee that you’ve been promised. The platform used by your web hosting provider can affect how reliable and usable cloud hosting services are, but at this moment in time VMWare has been demonstrated as the most effective solution for offering highly reliable cloud VPS server hosting services; traditional platforms that you may be more aware of such as Virtuozzo aren’t suitable for cloud VPS server hosting although they can still be used for highly reliable single-node hosting solutions.
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